Try these out with this simple and easy recipes for cake and biscuits. It is surprising how little time it takes to prepare such satisfying favorites as cheese cakes, coconut tarts, peanut biscuits, coconut biscuits, peanut puffs and curry puffs.
Cheese Cakes Recipe
4 oz. flour
2 oz. margarine
1 tablespoon raspberry jam
cold water
Cake mixture:-
2 oz. flour, castor
sugar and margarine
1 egg
½ teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon vanilla
1. Sieve the flour for the pastry into a mixing bowl,rub in the margarine and make short crust pastry.
2. Roll out the pastry 1/10" thick and cut into rounds with a fluted cutter. Make 10-12 rounds.
3. Line the patty tins with the rounds of pastry and leave them aside to relax.
4. Cream the margarine and sugar for the cake mixture until light and fluffy.
5. Add in the beaten egg gradually and beat well.
6. Add in the vanilla.
7. Sieve the flour together with the baking powder and fold it into the creamed mixture.
8. Put a little jam into each pastry case and spoon the cake mixture over it.
9. Bake in a hot oven, at 400ºF, for 20 to 25 minutes.
10. When the cakes are nicely browned, cool them on a wire tray before serving them on a doily.
Coconut Tarts Recipe
4 oz. short crust pasty
1 tablespoon raspberry jam
2 oz. margarine
grated coconut
1 egg
½ teaspoon vanilla
1. Make short crust pastry and line 10 to 12 patty tins with it.
2. Cream the margarine and sugar till it is light and fluffy.
3. Beat in the eggs gradually and add in the vanilla.
4. Mix in the grated coconut.
5. Put a little jam in each pastry case and cover it with the coconut mixture.
6. Place crossed strips of pastry on top and bake in a hot oven, at 400ºF for 20 to 25 minutes.
7. When tarts are brown and well cooked, cool them on a wire tray before serving them on a doily.
Peanut Biscuits Recipe
4 oz. flour
2 oz. margarine
1½ oz. castor sugar
1 oz. peanut (lightly fried, skinned and chopped)
½ teaspoons vanilla
1. Grease two baking sheets.
2. Sieve the flour into a mixing bowl and rub in the margarine.
3. Sieve the chopped peanuts. Keep the big pieces aside and add the finely chopped nuts to the flour.
4. Add the sugar and mix well.
5. Separate the egg and add 2 teaspoons of water and the vanilla to the egg yolk.
6. Add the egg mixture to the flour and mix quickly into a stiff dough. Add more water if necessary.
7. Knead the dough lightly on a pastry board, and roll it out to â...>" thick.
8. Cut into rounds or rings with fluted cutters. Lift the biscuits carefully with a table or palette knife on the baking sheets.
9. Brush the top with egg white and sprinkle the remaining peanuts on top.
10. Bake the biscuits for 15 to 20 minutes in a moderate oven, at 350ºF, until they are a pale brown color.
11. Cool the biscuits for minute or two on baking sheets before lifting them on to a wire tray to cool them further. Store biscuits in an airtight tin.
Coconut Biscuits Recipe
4 oz. flour
2 oz. margarine
1 oz. desiccated coconut
1½ oz. castor sugar
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla
1. Grease two baking sheets.
2. Sieve the flour into a mixing bowl and rub in the margarine.
3. Add the sugar and the coconut and mix well.
4. Separate the egg and add 1 tablespoonful of water and the vanilla to the egg yolk.
5. Add the egg mixture to the flour and mix into a stiff dough.
6. Knead the dough lightly and roll it out to â...>" thickness.
7. Prick the dough well with a fork.
8. Cut the dough into neat fingers or rounds and lift them carefully on the greased baking trays.
9. Glaze the biscuits with egg white and bake in a moderate oven, at 350ºF, for 15 to 20 minutes.
10. When the biscuits are cooked and are a pale brown color, take them out, leave them for a couple of minutes before lifting them on to a wire tray to cool.
11. Store cool biscuits in an airtight tin.
Peanut Puffs Recipe
4 oz. short crust pastry
3 tablespoon fried peanuts
3 teaspoons fried gingelly seeds
3 teaspoons castor sugar
1. Make short crust pasty, roll out to 1/10" thickness and cut into rounds with a plain cutter.
2. Chop up the peanuts and mix it with the sugar and gingelly seeds.
3. Put an equal amount of filling on each round of pastry, wet the edge of the pastry and fold it over to make a puff.
4. Seal the edge by pressing it together with a fork or by folding the pastry over to get a twisted edge.
5. Fry the peanut puffs slowly in lightly smoking oil till brown.
6. Drain well and serve on a doily.
Curry Puffs Recipe
4 oz. short crust pastry
75 gram meat or 115 gram prawns
1 potato
1 tablespoon curry powder
½ Bombay onion
2 onions
a few curry leaves
1. Wash and mince the meat or shell and dice the prawns.
2. Peel, wash and dice the potato and Bombay onion.
3. Peel, wash and chop up the onions.
4. Heat up 1 tablespoon of oil and fry the chopped onions.
5. Add the curry leaves and curry powder and fry for 2 to 3 minutes.
6. Add the meat or prawns and fry for another minute or two.
7. Add the potato, salt and ½ cup water. Cover and cook until the potato is soft and the filling is dry. Season well and cool the filling on a plate.
8. Make the short crust pastry, roll out to 1/10" thickness and cut it into rounds.
9. Put an equal amount of the cooled filling on each round of pastry, wet the edges of the pastry rounds, fold over to make the curry puffs.
10. Seal the edge of each puff with a twisted edge.
11. Fry the puffs slowly in lightly smoking oil till the pastry is thoroughly cooked. Drain well and serve with a sprig of parsley.
Daphnie is a food lover who has been involved in food industry for 10 years. She learned the easy and simple way cooking style from her mother and grandmother. She prefer to have the home make cooking style instead of outside food. She knew how much housewives will appreciate the recipes. Special thought has been given to the speed and ease of preparation to streamline cooking chores whenever possible to the minimum. Not only are these dishes attractive, they really are simple and speedy to make. Test and try out any of these dishes and you will agree that as well as being entirely successful, they all live up to our claim that they are not only delicious but quick and easy to prepare.
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