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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Planning a Birthday Party for Your One Year Old | First Birthday Party Ideas

food 1st birthday party1st Birthday | Ideas for Baby's First Birthday Party

You can Make them their own little cake or cupcake. Since they won't remember their first birthday party, it is not necessary to have separate celebrations, but there are ways to make each twin feel special while making it easier and less stressful for you. Keeping the Individuality Moms of twins often face the dilemma of trying to plan a joint party while still recognizing the individual personalities of each child. As you have probably learned over the past twelve months, simplicity is bliss, so host the party at home, keep the food and decorations uncomplicated, visit with family and friends and take the time to enjoy the celebration.

1st Birthday Party Ideas | First Birthday Party Themes | 1st BirthdayCelebrating Your Baby's First Birthday

You do not need to spend the day running around attending to countless details when you will be busy enough trying to keep up with your two excited little ones. So, make it easy on yourself and keep it simple. Most people will agree that twins can be challenging, especially in the first year, so celebrating their first birthday is a like recognizing a milestone you survived, and the party should be for you as well as for your babies. Organizing a gathering for a one year old can be overwhelming and this stress doubles if you are the parent of twins. While all birthdays are important, few are as monumental as your child's first, so of course you want to honor this achievement with a party. As busy moms, we are always looking for birthday party ideas that are creative and fun yet easy to plan and prepare.

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