The list goes on and on. Well Christmas is one, but then there is Valentines day, Mother's day, Father's day, Anniversary days, children's parties. How many parties take place throughout the year? Again the number is quite large, so again there is a need to provide wedding cakes!
How many of these people get married or remarried? Now, what about the number of girls and boy's there are in the world, or just in your neighborhood? So you can see that there is a market just for a birthday cake. Just in your own area that number could be 30 to 100 thousand people more or less. That means there is a potential to make a birthday cake for someone every year, now multiply that need by the number of people in the world and the number can boggle your mind.
Everyone born in the world has a birth date and that birth date is a celebration to most people every year after that. Let's just look at who have cake and why starting a cake shop bakery might just be the way to satisfy that need. Well, have you watched any of the television shows at all or been to YouTube recently. Who needs to start a cake bakery you might ask? There are a number of business that you can start from the word bakery and starting a cake shop bakery business is but one of the avenues possible.
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